Our services

We Are Providing Civil Engineering and Construction Services.

1. Preconstruction

Estimates that reflect reality

Arabian Construction has decades of experience in constructing a wide variety of buildings under widely different circumstances, so we know what it takes to build a quality structure and meet your budget.

We combine our knowledge of the project with the data provided by different subcontractors, suppliers and vendors into a complete, fully developed schedule that maximizes efficiency and minimizes construction time.

Looking out for your interests

Arabian Construction will review the design to identify potential improvements and cost savings. In some cases, the design as originally created may have some problems with constructability, durability, environmental impact or long-term maintenance. Our extensive experience in constructing high quality buildings gives us the insight to see potential issues with chosen materials or designs, and to recommend changes that may speed up or improve the build.


2. Construction Phase

Construction is where the building truly takes shape. Arabian prepares the site by clearing existing structures, grading and prepping the building pad and placing utilities. After the site is prepared, the foundation is laid, reinforcements placed and concrete poured to create the base upon which your building will rest.

The structure itself begins to grow as the steel skeleton of the building is erected. Once the bones of the building are in place, the rest of the building is fleshed out, including interior construction and finished materials.

At each stage, we coordinate our own workers and trade contractors as well as the arrival of building materials so that labor, materials and equipment are on site when they are needed and work can continue on schedule. Our trade contractors are carefully selected and supervised to ensure that each operates cooperatively and seamlessly as part of the project’s construction team.

3. Trades

We maintain mutually beneficial relationships with highly respected trades that perform quality work at a high standard. We treat our trades with respect and pay them quickly, so that we build long-term relationships with the best trades in the Local Area.

Arabian Construction takes pride in promoting the growth of our local businesses. If your project has local hire requirements, we have procedures in place to ensure that we successfully meet or exceed your goals.

Building isn’t just job. It's our passion. With every project we undertake, we set the bar high and provide the best industry.


4. Project Handover

Once the building is finished, we do a final walk-through of the building to ensure that everything is in order. Throughout the build process, we test all of the equipment and building systems to ensure that everything has been installed correctly and is functioning properly. The goal during the handover phase is to ensure that once the new owners are provided with the keys, they have a positive experience from day one.

i) As part of the handoff experience, we carefully prepare accurate and professional as-built plans of the finished product, and will supply a well-curated collection of manuals, warranty cards and proof of purchase for all equipment in the facility.

ii) To ensure that the project owner enjoys the full warranty for all equipment, we also provide documentation that all equipment was installed in full compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendation.

iii) The completion of a new building is an exciting time for everyone. At the end of each project, we are proud to hand over the keys to the building, knowing that we have done our best.


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Employees and Staff


Year Of Experience


Projects Completed